yhrd plugs into your studio's architectural projects to help you deliver them in a timely manner with additional finesse.

πŸ‘‰ How we plug in
yhrd's team at Medan Tuanku Kuala Lumpur.

The Team, Zu, Timo and Tim (from left)

Led by Timo OngΒ (NCARB), we lend to your design and production processes, keeping your priorities, and sensible design in the forefront.

πŸ‘‰ How collaborating may look like

Architectural Consultant, Bakery Square, Pittsburgh

Bakery Square Pittsburgh

We work with small to medium architectural teams internationally to design, smooth project delivery, and communicate visually.

πŸ‘‰ How we're different

Visualization Specialist, Gusto, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakland Crossing Night Rendering

Architectural Consultant, CCA Pennsylvania Projects, USA

CCA York Pennsylvannia

Urban Research with Bike Commute Malaysia

DJ Safer Streets

Let us know how we can assist you in your next project.

βœ‰οΈ:Β timo@yhrd.work

Residential Renovation Projects

Seapark Residence

We're looking for an Architectural Designer to join our team! Find out more in the link below:

Join Our Team!

Furniture Design and Research